PUBG Esports Wiki
PUBG Korea League 2018
PUBG Korea League
Tournament Information
Location & Dates
Event TypeOffline
CountrySouth Korea South Korea



  • 36 professional teams in South Korea.
  • Points awarded based on finishing position in different tournaments.
  • League separates to three tiers
    • Pro Tour:
      • Minimum of 4 weeks long.
      • Minimum of 8 rounds including qualifiers and finals.
      • All 36 teams participates with amateur teams from open qualifiers
    • A Tour :
      • Minimum of 2 weeks long.
      • Minimum of 4 rounds including qualifiers and finals.
      • Amateur teams with some professional teams participates.
    • B Tour :
      • 1 week long with 2 days matches.
      • Amateur teams with some professional teams participates.
  • Top 2 teams finishing in first half qualify to PGI 2018

Points Breakdown

Points are awarded based on finishing position and kills as follows:

  • Every kill is worth 10 points
Placement Pro Tour A Tour B
1st 5000 1000 125
2nd 3200 640 80
3rd 2800 560 70
4th 2500 500 60
5th 2300 460 55
6th 2100 420 50
7th 1900 380 45
8th 1750 350 40
9th 1600 320 35
10th 1450 290 30
11st 1200 240 28
12th 1100 220 25
13th 1000 200 23
14th 900 180 20
15th 800 160 18
16th 750 150 16
17th 700 140 -
18th 650 130 -
19th 600 120 -
20th 550 110 -
21st 500 100 -
22nd 450 90 -
23rd 400 80 -
24th 360 72 -
25th 320 64 -

Prize Pool

Official Participants

Participants (36)
Actoz Stars Indigologo std Actoz Stars Indigo Actoz Stars Redlogo std Actoz Stars Red Afreeca Freecs Areslogo std Afreeca Freecs Ares Afreeca Freecs Fatallogo std Afreeca Freecs Fatal Astricklogo std Astrick Bon's Spirit Gaming Lunalogo std BSG Luna
Cloud9 Korealogo std Cloud9 Korea Danawa DPGlogo std danawa DPG DeToNator Korealogo std DeToNator Korea ROCCAT Armorlogo std ROCCAT Armor ROCCAT INVlogo std ROCCAT INV Kongdoo G-Suitlogo std Kongdoo G-Suit
Kongdoo Reddotlogo std Kongdoo Reddot Gen.G Goldlogo std Gen.G Gold1 Gen.G Blacklogo std Gen.G Black2 Lunatic-Hailogo std Lunatic-Hai Lunatic-Hai FLUXlogo std Lunatic-Hai FLUX Maxtill Madlogo std Maxtill Mad
Maxtill VIPlogo std Maxtill VIP Media Bridge MCNlogo std Media Bridge MCN Media Bridge REDlogo std Media Bridge RED NightWolf Korealogo std NightWolf Korea OGN Entus Acelogo std OGN Entus Ace OGN Entus Forcelogo std OGN Entus Force
OP Gaming Hunterslogo std OP Gaming Hunters3 OP Gaming Rangerslogo std OP Gaming Rangers4 ASUS ROG Centurionlogo std ROG Centurion ASUS ROG Maximuslogo std ROG Maximus Sandbox Reconlogo std Sandbox Recon Team BlossoMlogo std Team BlossoM
Team kakaoTVlogo std Team kakaoTV MVPlogo std MVP Team Quadrologo std Team Quadro GC Busan Giantslogo std GC Busan Giants5 Zod Gaminglogo std zod Gaming EXL Gaminglogo std EXL Gaming6
1KSV CLES renames to Gen.G Gold.
2KSV Notitle renames to Gen.G Black.
3OP.GG Hunters renames to OP Gaming Hunters.
4OP.GG Rangers renames to OP Gaming Rangers.
5WGS Arena renames to GC Busan Giants.
6EXL Gaming had been removed from the tournament.


Place Team APL S1 PSS S1 PWM S1 APL S2 PSS S2 A/B Tour Total
1 Gen.G Goldlogo std Gen.G Gold 3200 650 3200 800 3200 1000 12050
2 Gen.G Blacklogo std Gen.G Black 5000 750 1200 320 1200 350 8820
3 OGN Entus Forcelogo std OGN Entus Force 320 550 320 5000 2500 0 8690
4 Afreeca Freecs Areslogo std Afreeca Freecs Ares 2500 1900 1100 2100 650 420 8670
5 ROCCAT INVlogo std ROCCAT INV 320 320 5000 1750 1100 64 8554
6 ROCCAT Armorlogo std ROCCAT Armor 1450 3200 1900 700 900 200 8350
7 MVPlogo std MVP 1750 320 2500 320 2800 460 8150
8 Actoz Stars Indigologo std Actoz Stars Indigo 1600 2800 900 1900 800 120 8120
9 Actoz Stars Redlogo std Actoz Stars Red 320 600 2800 1450 2100 500 7770
10 Kongdoo Reddotlogo std Kongdoo Reddot 750 1600 800 3200 1000 0 7350
11 ASUS ROG Centurionlogo std ROG Centurion 450 5000 600 320 750 160 7280
12 OP Gaming Rangerslogo std OP Gaming Rangers 320 320 320 1000 5000 0 6960
13 Bon's Spirit Gaming Lunalogo std Bon's Spirit Gaming Luna 2800 800 1450 1100 320 64 6534
14 OP Gaming Hunterslogo std OP Gaming Hunters 800 700 650 2500 1750 0 6400
15 Maxtill VIPlogo std Maxtill VIP 320 2300 400 2300 320 640 6280
16 DeToNator Korealogo std DeToNator Korea 2100 320 320 2800 320 410 6270
17 OGN Entus Acelogo std OGN Entus Ace 1100 1200 1750 1600 320 0 5970
18 Afreeca Freecs Fatallogo std Afreeca Freecs Fatal 1900 1450 1000 400 700 210 5660
19 NightWolf Korealogo std NightWolf Korea 1200 900 320 650 1600 64 4734
20 GC Busan Giantslogo std GC Busan Giants 700 320 2300 750 320 220 4610
21 Maxtill Madlogo std Maxtill Mad 320 1100 2100 320 320 240 4400
22 Media Bridge MCNlogo std Media Bridge MCN 320 320 450 320 2300 185 3895
23 Lunatic-Hailogo std Lunatic-Hai 2300 320 320 320 320 0 3580
24 Cloud9 Korealogo std Cloud9 Korea 900 320 700 1200 320 80 3520
25 Astricklogo std Astrick 320 1750 750 320 320 0 3460
26 Kongdoo G-Suitlogo std Kongdoo G-Suit 400 360 1600 320 320 0 2960
27 Zod Gaminglogo std zod Gaming 320 450 320 320 1450 0 2860
28 Media Bridge REDlogo std Media Bridge RED 1000 320 320 320 320 235 2515
29 Team Quadrologo std Team Quadro 550 450 320 320 600 320 2510
30 Team kakaoTVlogo std Team kakaoTV 320 320 320 900 320 0 2180
31 ASUS ROG Maximuslogo std ROG Maximus 600 320 320 600 320 0 2160
32 Lunatic-Hai FLUXlogo std Lunatic-Hai FLUX 320 320 500 450 320 0 '1910
33 Danawa DPGlogo std danawa DPG 500 320 320 320 320 0 1780
34 Team BlossoMlogo std Team BlossoM 320 320 320 320 320 140 1740
35 Sandbox Reconlogo std Sandbox Recon 360 320 320 320 320 28 1668




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